

Just a girl, a whisk, and some counter space.

Bring Mac the Night

Winter, I'm over you.  Not trying to sound like a broken record you guys, but I'm reeeeeally trying, here.  I'm also trying to stay positive and hold on to my love of the icy white stuff, but when it came down yesterday morning, both the dog and I sighed together as we bundled up to head out on our walk.  

Seriously, we really did both audibly exhale together.  Bonding is great.

I miss sunshine, open windows, lower electric bills, and seasonal fruit.  I want it - I need it.  Please, winter... just go away for a while, okay?  It's nothing personal, I just would like to not have to brace myself before exiting my house/car/garage/work.  I'm tired of the layers upon layers.  I'M TIRED OF WEARING TWO SCARVES ALL THE TIME.  

Oh, you don't do that?  You should try it.  It works pretty well.

The silver lining of winter, of course, is the food.  When I'm shivering (and burning calories, right?), heavy comfort meals always feel... appropriate.  You know that expression from the Brits, "tucking into food"?  That's exactly what it feels like - as if you're wrapping a blanket of hot cheesy noodles around your body and settling in on your couch to watch back episodes of The L Word and Mad Men.  Or whatever.

This mac is the perfect whycan'twinterbeover meal.  Yes, it's a bit involved.  Yes, you'll need a few dozen ingredients.  But you know what?  It's damn good! DAMN GOOD. If you like Indian food, cheese, and things with customizeable toppin's, this mac is your main squeeze on a cold evening.

The base for the mac sauce can be found here.  You can pretty much sub out any cheese in the mac sauce base, just keep the same quantity of it (even if you end up blending several cheese together).  The various topping choices are also interchangeable as you create new mac recipes.  The more the merrier (and every bite a new experience!).  

Let's eat, already.

Indian Tikka Masala Mac

1 recipe bachamel/mac sauce (found here)

1 lb short cut pasta

2 cups shredded gouda

4 tablespoons tomato paste

1 tablespoons garam masala

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon red chili powder

1/2 teaspoon turmeric 

1/4 teaspoon cumin


Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Add salt and the pasta and cook to the package's directions.  

While the pasta cooks, whisk in the gouda cheese to your hot mac sauce and keep over a low flame until ready to use.  Stir in the tomato paste, garam masala, cayenne, red chili powder, turmeric, and cumin.  Adjust for seasoning and serve with toppings.


The Toppings:

1/2 inch cubed paneer, sauteed in olive oil and sprinkled with pepper

halved grape tomatoes

sauteed onions

chopped green chilis (you can use the kind from a can... no judgement here)

ginger-garlic aioli (recipe below)


Ginger-Garlic Aioli

1 cup mayo

lemon juice from 1 lemon

sea salt and pepper

4 gloves garlic, minced

1 tablespoon freshly-minced ginger

blend all ingredients in a food processor and adjust for taste.  Done.

Raining Cats and Dogs

Mac the Knife