

Just a girl, a whisk, and some counter space.

Rosemary Caramel Popcorn

Rosemary Caramel Popcorn


Rosemary Caramel Corn

From the badasses over at Thug Kitchen


1/2 cup corn kernels

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1/4 cup refined coconut oil (def. not the unrefined version, mmkay?)

1 heaping tablespoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped

1/3 cup packed brown sugar (I prefer dark, but you could use light if you're into that kind of thing)

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking soda


Heat the vegetable oil in a large stock/pasta pot with handles of both sides over medium-high heat. Have the lid and a tea towel sitting close by. Once the oil starts to ripple and shimmer in the bottom of the pot, add the corn kernels and put the lid on top. Stretch the towel over the lid and use it to hold the handles on either side. This keeps the lid on while you shake and prevents you sweet delicate fingers from burning from steam. Give the pot a good shake to ensure all the kernels are coated in the oil and set back down on the heat. DON'T TAKE THE LID OFF UNTIL THE END. Once you hear the first *pop*, occasionally pick up the pot and shake vigorously (about every 10-15 seconds or so). Gradually (and then suddenly), the popcorn will start to kick into high gear and you'll hear a cacophony of sound coming from under the lid. KEEP IT ON. Keep shaking. You'll know your popcorn is done when the popping slows dramatically to one or two pops every second or so. It may take a few burned batches to get it down, but once you do it becomes second nature.

Pour out the popcorn into a large, wide bowl, removing all the un-popped kernels you can find, and set aside. 

Turn the oven on to 250°F and line two large rimless baking sheets with either silicone baking mats or parchment paper. 

In a small saucepan, melt the coconut oil over medium heat. Once melted and completely clear, add the rosemary and watch it sizzle for about 30 seconds or so, swirling the pan a few times. Add the brown sugar, maple syrup, and salt and whisk to combine. Continue to whisk for about 2 minutes.  

Remove from the heat and add the baking soda, whisking again. This time it will get frothy and thick, making you feel as though you're back in Chemistry 101. Immediately pour the frothy caramel over the popcorn and fold carefully to coat. Be careful not to burn yourselves - that caramel sauce is HOT HOT HOT and I don't want you complaining about singed fingers because you didn't heed my warning... 

Divide the caramel corn between the two baking sheets and spread into even layers. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, rotating the sheets half way through the baking time. This crisps up your caramel corn and really sets everything up for success. Once the fifteen minutes are up, turn off the oven and remove the sheets, allowing them to cool on racks on the counter.

Break up the popcorn with your hands and serve. You can also store it in an airtight container or bag if you're saving it... weirdo. Eat it immediately by the fistfuls.

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