

Just a girl, a whisk, and some counter space.

Aged Eggnog

Aged Eggnog

Aged Eggnog.JPG

Long in the Tooth

This is not a complaint about getting older, nor is it going to wax poetic about days gone by. No no... this is the acknowledgment of myself as a homeowner and the big changes an adult couch makes.

While going through the process of transitioning my house into a place where grown-ups live and congregate, I came across Alton Brown's "Aged Eggnog" recipe. Not only does this kick up your basic 'Nog with three kinds of booze, but it mellows out overtime. I may be getting older, but I'm definitely working on smoothing myself out as I age, much like this here eggnog. 

Don't be weirded out by the raw eggs in here - that's what this drink is, after all. I've made a batch that will age about three weeks, but I might make another one and age it about a year (which Alton says is possible). It'll be a nice way to test the difference between the ages and verify that, yes, things do get better with age. 


Aged Eggnog

By Alton Brown (the king himself)


12 large egg yolks (save the whites for something else, but you won't be using them here)

1 lb sugar

1 pint half + half

1 pint whole milk

1 pint heavy cream

1 cup light spiced rum

1 cup cognac

1 cup bourbon

1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon salt


Beat the yolks with the sugar in a large mixing bowl until the sugar has started breaking down, is smooth, and falls over the whisk in a long, solid ribbon.

Combine the dairy, alcohol, nutmeg, and salt in a second large bowl and whisk together. Slowly add the egg and sugar mixture and whisk until smooth and creamy. 

Pour into three large glass jars with lids (or whatever large vessels you have). Store in the refrigerator for at least two weeks (it's suggested a month would be better). Serve with more freshly grated nutmeg on top.

Note: The longer you age the eggnog, the better. It smooths out as you age it (apparently). I'll circle back with my verdict on how it turned out. Should you make this as well, leave a comment and we can compare notes. 

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