

Just a girl, a whisk, and some counter space.

English Spring Pea Soup with Lemon Creme Fraiche

English Spring Pea Soup with Lemon Creme Fraiche

What do we talk about? We talk about the house.  ALL THE TIME. What's going on with your house? Are you finished with the bathroom yet? What's the next project you're working on?

I don't know guys. I don't know.

I want to be done with the bathroom but it is draaaaaaagging ooooooooon into summer. THere's all these *little* projects left to do, like paint the ceiling, shim the cabinet, put trim on the ceiling (maybe...?), frame out the mirror, hang pictures, and FINALLY pick out fabric for the shower curtain. It's getting there, I swear.

Cori recently gave me a Passion Planner and for the first few weeks I've had it, I've felt more productive and organized and (dare I say it?) happy. I won't go into all the stuff involved here, but in general it's speaks to the way my brain works and helps me see what I've accomplished. Isn't that a good thing?

Next up (after the bathroom) is the kitchen, and I've got BIG plans for the kitchen. Most of what we want to do is change all the colors, from gray and white cabinetry to white walls, new trim, concrete countertops, new lighting, and an additional pantry system (because we have SO many kitchen gadgets!). Not to mention new floors... but those won't come until we redo the entire first level. Let's be honest - that won't happen for a little while. We need to pace ourselves.

I'm still making beautiful things in the kitchen with Cori. Lately we've been really good at meal planning, thanks to the help of our friends Meg + Cam and their weekly Blue Apron boxes, as well as Sheena + Ezra for their shining example of menu planning/budgeting. We have been getting our milk and ice cream delivered via Oberweiss every Thursday, Green Bean every other Friday, and of course we are making trips to Costco and ordering via Amazon Pantry. It's working out and we are creating delicious things every day.

Recently we made a beautiful, scrumptious, SEXY pea soup. Yeah, I said it. That pea soup was sexy with it's vibrant color, smooth texture, and spiked with a citrus infused creme fraiche and olive oil for butteriness. So sexy.

Okay, I just grossed myself out. Let's pretend I didn't say that and instead focus on the food at hand: pea soup.

Most pea soup is thick, dotted with ham, and a sick grayish-green color. Not my cup of tea. Or soup. I'm sure I've had great pea soup in the past, but this was nothing like anything I'd ever had before. The trick to making this pea soup is focusing on consistency and brightness. Peas are boiled in a brine of sorts, which allows them to flavor up just enough to where extra salt added is unnecessary. Then, they are blended with water (not cream) and pushed through a sieve until completely smooth. The pop of color the blanched peas produce is unlike anything I've ever cooked. It SCREAMS spring! It's finished with a drizzle of delicious olive oil and a swirl (or three) of creme fraiche and lemon zest. Delicious on its own or eaten with crusty bread drizzled with olive oil. It's gorgeous and worth the time you put into it. I promise you.


English Spring Pea Soup with Lemon Creme Fraiche

inspired by Thomas Keller's French Laundry Cookbook

  • 3 quarts water

  • 7 cups frozen peas

  • 1 cup sugar

  • ½ cup salt

  • 1 cup water, plus more as needed

  • 4 oz. creme fraiche

  • Zest of one lemon, plus 1 TBSP juice

  • drizzle of good quality olive oil, optional

  • Thyme, Basil, or Pea shoots for garnish, optional


Bring water, sugar, and salt to a boil in a large pot. Add the peas, and boil for 4-5 minutes, or until tender.

Fill a large bowl with water and ice, and have it standing by when the peas are done cooking. Remove the peas from the pot with a skimmer or slotted spoon, and place them directly into the ice bath. This will stop the cooking, and help preserve their bright color. 

Drain the cooked peas from the ice water, and add them to a blender or food processor. Add 1 cup fresh water, and puree until completely smooth. If the mixture is too thick to blend, add more water as needed.

Pass the puree through a fine mesh sieve. (This step is optional, especially if you have a really powerful blender, but I prefer the consistency of the soup once it's been sieved). Use a wooden spoon or rubber spatula to press all the liquid through.

Taste, and adjust the seasoning if necessary. If the consistency is too thick, add more water to thin as needed. 

Soup can be warmed on the stove, or chilled in the fridge before serving. I like it warm but not hot, so try it hot and cold and see which you prefer.

When you're ready to serve, whisk together the creme fraiche, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Serve alongside the soup, or drizzle it over to garnish (you can thin the creme fraiche with a bit more lemon juice, or water, to create a drizzleable consistency). Serve as is, or garnish with fresh thyme, fresh basil, or fresh pea sprouts.

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